


Here you have some information about Christmas origins, traditions,and vocabulary related to this festivity. There is a lot af information on this entry. Don't worry! You don't have to read or learn everything.Choose what you prefer and enjoy it! 

Ideas to bring to class and share with your classmates (choose one): 
  • A piece of information about Cristmas that you consider  interesting, curious, funny... 
  • Your favorite Xmas card / Xmas carol/ Xmas recipe/ Xmas symbol/
  • A memorable Xmas experience...
  • A game... 
  • Etc 
First, you can have a look at this wonderful interactive book to learn some vocabulary, listen to stories and learn a Xmas carol.

Watch this video to practise listening and get to know  more about the origins of the symbols of Christmas


Let's see what you have learnt. Do you know the answer to these questions? (double clik inside the brackets to see if you are right)

1- What were the Christmas trees decorated with in the 16th century?

    ( Apples)

2-  Where does the Christmas tree tradition come from?


3-  Who believed the mistletoe had magical powers ?

     ( Celtic Druids)

4- Where does the Xmas plant, the poinsettia come from?

    ( Mexico)

5. Who is Rudolf?

    ( The red nose reindeer. The lead reindeer of Santa's sleigh )

6. What is an advent calendar?      

     Click here to see one


If you enjoy carol singing here you have a nice site. Click on the link below:


And here you have the lyrics of some more: 

A Christmas story: A tale for children with subtitles:
